Effortlessly navigate the QCAA Engineering Glossary to find and understand key terms and concepts
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Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
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The rate at which an object's velocity changes
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Highly trained or skilled in a particular activity; perfected in knowledge or training; expert
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The condition or quality of being true, correct or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness; in science, the extent to which a measurement result represents the quantity it purports to measure; an accurate measurement result includes an estimate of the true value and an estimate of the uncertainty
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Precise and exact; to the point; consistent with or exactly conforming to a truth, standard, rule, model, convention or known facts; free from error or defect; meticulous; correct in all details
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Very/highly skilled or proficient at something; expert
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Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity equal to the requirement or occasion
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Dissect to ascertain and examine constituent parts and/or their relationships; break down or examine in order to identify the essential elements, features, components or structure; determine the logic and reasonableness of information
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Make or furnish critical or explanatory notes, or comment; add notes or comments to (a picture, drawing, sketch or diagram)
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Applied Learning
The acquisition and application of knowledge, understanding and skills in real-world or lifelike contexts that may encompass workplace, industry and community situations; it emphasises learning through doing and includes both theory and the application of theory, connecting subject knowledge and understanding with the development of practical skills
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Applied Subject
A subject whose primary pathway is work and vocational education; it emphasises applied learning and community connections; a subject for which a syllabus has been developed by the QCAA with the following characteristics: results from courses developed from Applied syllabuses contribute to the QCE; results may contribute to ATAR calculations
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Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or circumstance; carry out or use a procedure in a given or particular situation
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Evaluate the worth, significance or status of something; judge or consider a text or piece of work
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Recognise or make a judgment about the value or worth of something; understand fully; grasp the full implications of
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Acceptable; suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, circumstance, context etc.
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Suitable to the purpose or occasion; fitting, appropriate
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Area of study
A division of, or a section within a unit
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Give reasons for or against something; challenge or debate an issue or idea; persuade, prove or try to prove by giving reasons
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A particular part of a feature of something; a facet, phase or part of a whole
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Measure, determine, evaluate, estimate or make a judgment about the value, quality, outcomes, results, size, significance, nature or extent of something
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Purposeful and systematic collection of information about students' achievements
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Assessment instrument
A tool or device used to gather information about student achievement
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Assessment objectives
Drawn from the unit objectives and contextualised for the requirements of the assessment instrument (see also
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Assessment technique
The method used to gather evidence about student achievement, (e.g. examination, project, investigation)
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Showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people; of keen discernment
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Australian standards for engineering drawings
Guidelines for technical drawings in engineering disciplines; some examples are provided below: AS 1100.101–1992 defines the general principles for technical drawing and shows tables of symbols and abbreviations and their meanings AS 1100.201–1992 is for mechanical engineering drawing and includes information for surface texture, welding, centre holes, pipelines, springs, gears, splines, seals and knurling AS/NZS 1100.501: 2002 is for structural engineering drawing; it looks at general applications like dimensioning, lines, symbols, abbreviations, structural elements, scales, cross referencing and arrangement of elements as well as specific applications for structural steel
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Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable; commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed
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The use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, steering and stabilisation of ships, aircraft and other applications with minimal or reduced human intervention
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Keeping or showing a balance; not biased; fairly judged or presented; taking everything into account in a fair, well-judged way
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Basic Drawing Standards
Are the fundamental requirements (i.e. scale, units, layout, titles, subtitles, orientation, parts list, dimensions, line types and quality) included in engineering drawings that are used to fully and clearly define requirements for the production of engineered items
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An approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating the patterns and strategies found in natural environments
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Built-in or planned obsolescence
A method of stimulating consumer demand by designing products that wear out or become outmoded after limited use
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Computer-aided drafting; software used by drafters, architects and engineers to help them create lines, shapes and planes that can be combined, moved, rotated, adjusted and rendered; measurements and calculations can be included; computer-aided drafting can be used to create 2D and 3D models and drawings such as floor plans and rendered pictorial views of objects and structures; also known as computer-assisted design and computer-assisted design and drafting (CADD)
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Determine or find (e.g. a number, answer) by using mathematical processes; obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working; ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information
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A short string of text connected by a line, arrow, or similar graphic to a feature of an illustration or technical drawing, and giving information about that feature
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Place in or assign to a particular class or group; arrange or order by classes or categories; classify, sort out, sort, separate
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Difficult but interesting; testing one's abilities; demanding and thought-provoking; usually involving unfamiliar or less familiar elements
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A set of distinguishing aspects (including attributes and behaviours) of an object, material, living thing, system or event
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Make clear or intelligible; explain; make a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible
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Clearness of thought or expression; the quality of being coherent and intelligible; free from obscurity of sense; without ambiguity; explicit; easy to perceive, understand or interpret
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Class time
Includes the time made available for students to independently respond to extended assessment tasks and any associated and required teaching and learning time
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Arrange, distribute or order in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics
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Free from confusion, uncertainty, or doubt; easily seen, heard or understood
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In a clear manner; plainly and openly, without ambiguity
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Code of Ethics
Defines the values and principles that shape the decisions made in engineering practice (Engineers Australia 2017)
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Having a natural or due agreement of parts; connected; consistent; logical, orderly; well-structured and makes sense; rational, with parts that are harmonious; having an internally consistent relation of parts
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Characterised by being united, bound together or having integrated meaning; forming a united whole
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Collinear forces
Lie in the same plane and have the same line of action
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Express an opinion, observation or reaction in speech or writing; give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation
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Convey knowledge and/or understandings to others; make known; transmit
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Display recognition of similarities and differences and recognize the significance of these similarities and differences
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Having suitable or sufficient skills, knowledge, experience, etc. for some purpose; adequate but not exceptional; capable; suitable or sufficient for the purpose;
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In an efficient and capable way; in an acceptable and satisfactory, though not outstanding, way
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Composed or consisting of many different and interconnected parts or factors; compound; composite; characterised by an involved combination of parts; complicated; intricate; a complex whole or system; a complicated assembly of particulars
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Parts (made of two or more elements) that make up a whole object or system and perform specific functions
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Composite Materials
Materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components; the individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure; the new material may be preferred for many reasons: common examples include materials that are stronger, lighter or less expensive when compared to traditional materials; typical engineered composite materials include: composite building materials such as cements and concrete; reinforced plastics such as fibre-reinforced polymer; metal composites; ceramic composites (composite ceramic and metal matrices) (also called
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Formed when two or more elements are combined chemically in fixed proportions by weight; all compounds can be broken down by one means or another into their component elements
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Understand the meaning or nature of; grasp mentally
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Inclusive; of large content or scope; including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something; wide-ranging; detailed and thorough, including all that is relevant
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Computer Vision
An interdisciplinary field that deals with how computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos; engineering uses computer vision to automate tasks that the human visual system could perform, e.g. fault recognition in mass manufacturing processes
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Computer-aided Drafting
CAD; software used by drafters, architects and engineers to help them create lines, shapes and planes that can be combined, moved, rotated, adjusted and rendered; measurements and calculations can be included; computer-aided drafting can be used to create 2D and 3D models and drawings such as floor plans and rendered pictorial views of objects and structures; also known as computer-assisted design and computer-assisted design and drafting (CADD)
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Abstract ideas, formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a theoretical construct; a generalised mental operation
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Expressing much in few words; giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief, comprehensive and to the point; succinct, clear, without repetition of information
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Concurrent Forces
Two or more forces whose lines of action intersect at the same point to cause rotation; the forces do not necessarily have to be applied;
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Direct in action or course; manage; organise; carry out
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Think deliberately or carefully about something, typically before making a decision; take something into account when making a judgment; view attentively or scrutinise; reflect on
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Fairly large or great; thought about deliberately and with a purpose
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Formed after careful and deliberate thought
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Agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-opposed or self-contradictory, constantly adhering to the same principles; acting in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate; unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time; not containing any logical contradictions (of an argument); constant in achievement or effect over a period of time
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Limitations or restrictions that must be considered and accommodated when providing a solution to a problem, e.g. teacher-specified limitations, available time, physical realities, legalities
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Create or put together (e.g. an argument) by arranging ideas or items; display information in a diagrammatic or logical form; make; build
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Display recognition of differences by deliberate juxtaposition of contrary elements; show how things are different or opposite; give an account of the differences between two or more items or situations, referring to both or all of them throughout
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Control Technologies
A device or set of devices that manage, command, direct or regulate the behaviour of other devices or systems; a mechanical, optical or electronic system that is used to maintain a desired output
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Shows the exercise of restraint or direction over; held in check; restrained, managed or kept within certain bounds
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Persuaded by argument or proof; leaving no margin of doubt; clear; capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real; persuading or assuring by argument or evidence; appearing worthy of belief; credible or plausible
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Coplanar Forces
Lie in the same plane
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In physics, two parallel forces that have the same magnitude, opposite directions and are separated by a perpendicular distance; the resultant force of a couple tends to cause rotation in a specified direction
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A defined amount of learning developed from a subject syllabus
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Bring something into being or existence; produce or evolve from one's own thought or imagination; reorganise or put elements together into a new pattern or structure or to form a coherent or functional whole
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Resulting from originality of thought or expression; relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something; having good imagination or original ideas
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Capable or worthy of being believed; believable; convincing
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The property or characteristic by which something is judged or appraised
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Involving skilful judgment as to truth, merit, etc.; involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment; expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art; incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis and commentary (of a text); rationally appraising for logical consistency and merit
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Review (e.g. a theory, practice, performance) in a detailed, analytical and critical way
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In electronics, the rate of movement of charge carriers from one part of a conductor to another
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Hasty, and therefore not thorough or detailed; performed with little attention to detail; going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial
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Documented information or evidence of any kind that lends itself to scientific interpretation; data may be quantitative or qualitative
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Reach a resolution as a result of consideration; make a choice from a number of alternatives
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Reach a conclusion that is necessarily true, provided a given set of assumptions is true; arrive at, reach or draw a logical conclusion from reasoning and the information given
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Justifiable by argument; capable of being defended in argument
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Give the meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity; state meaning and identify or describe qualities
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Prove or make clear by argument, reasoning or evidence, illustrating with practical example; show by example; give a practical exhibition
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The density, or more precisely, the volumetric mass density, of a substance is its mass per unit volume; the symbol most often used for density is \( \rho \) (the lower case Greek letter rho), although the Latin letter D can also be used; mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume
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Arrive at by reasoning; manipulate a mathematical relationship to give a new equation or relationship; in mathematics, obtain the derivative of a function
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Give an account (written or spoken) of a situation, event, pattern or process, or of the characteristics or features of something
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Produce a plan, simulation, model or similar; plan, form or conceive in the mind; in English, select, organise and use particular elements in the process of text construction for particular purposes; these elements may be linguistic (words), visual (images), audio (sounds), gestural (body language), spatial (arrangement on the page or screen) and multimodal (a combination of more than one)
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Executed with great attention to the fine points; meticulous; including many of the parts or facts
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Establish, conclude or ascertain after consideration, observation, investigation or calculation; decide or come to a resolution
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Elaborate, expand or enlarge in detail; add detail and fullness to; cause to become more complex or intricate
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Think out; plan; contrive; invent
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Symbolic representations of information according to some visualization technique; often two-dimensional and geometric; symbols, charts, graphs and maps are forms of diagrams
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Identify the difference/s in or between two or more things; distinguish, discriminate; recognise or ascertain what makes something distinct from similar things; in mathematics, obtain the derivative of a function
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Note, observe or recognise a difference; make or constitute a distinction in or between; differentiate; note or distinguish as different
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Differentiating; distinctive; perceiving differences or distinctions with nicety; possessing discrimination; perceptive and judicious; making judgments about quality; having or showing refined taste or good judgment
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Examine by argument; sift the considerations for and against; debate; talk or write about a topic, including a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses; consider, taking into account different issues and ideas, points for and/or against, and supporting opinions or conclusions with evidence
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Disconnected; incoherent; lacking a coherent order/sequence or connection
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A vector quantity representing the location of the destination relative to the origin of motion only, irrespective of the path actually negotiated between the two points
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The total length of the pathway taken between the origin and the destination point
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Recognise as distinct or different; note points of difference between; discriminate; discern; make clear a difference/s between two or more concepts or items
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Of various kinds or forms; different from each other
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Support (e.g. an assertion, claim, statement) with evidence (e.g. decisive information, written references, citations)
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Draw conclusions
Make a judgment based on reasoning and evidence
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A powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a payload
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Concerned with the study of forces (linear) and torques (rotational) and their effect on motion
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Successful in producing the intended, desired or expected result; meeting the assigned purpose
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Working in a well-organised and competent way; maximum productivity with minimal expenditure of effort; acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense or unnecessary effort
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Simple or uncompounded; relating to or dealing with elements, rudiments or first principles (of a subject); of the most basic kind; straightforward and uncomplicated
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Constituent parts of a more complex whole; a fundamental, essential or irreducible part of a composite entity; two or more elements make a component
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The potential to move or bring about changes; the higher the energy content, the greater the impact when it is transformed or transferred
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The application of scientific, physical, mechanical and mathematical principles as a part of the process of developing and maintaining solutions, products, structures and systems that improve quality of life
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Engineering drawings
Technical drawings used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items; their purpose is to capture all the geometric features of a product or a component and required for a manufacturer to produce that component
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A particle is in mechanical equilibrium if the net force on that particle is zero; by extension, a physical system made up of many parts is in mechanical equilibrium if the net force on each of its individual parts is zero
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Based on or containing error; mistaken; incorrect
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Absolutely necessary; indispensable; of critical importance for achieving something
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Relating to moral principles that govern a person's or a group's behaviour
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Make an appraisal by weighing up or assessing strengths, implications and limitations; make judgments about ideas, works, solutions or methods in relation to selected criteria; examine and determine the merit, value or significance of something, based on criteria
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A supervised test that assesses the application of a range of cognitions to one or more provided items such as questions, scenarios and/or problems; student responses are completed individually, under supervised conditions, and in a set timeframe
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Investigate, inspect or scrutinise; inquire or search into; consider or discuss an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue
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Try out or test new ideas or methods, especially in order to discover or prove something; undertake or perform a scientific procedure to test a hypothesis, make a discovery or demonstrate a known fact
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Make an idea or situation plain or clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts; give an account; provide additional information
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Clearly and distinctly expressing all that is meant; unequivocal; clearly developed or formulated; leaving nothing merely implied or suggested
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